This is why Lyssa doesn’t stamp late at night

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Because at nine thirty I turn into a pumpkin! I seriously can't cut, stamp, or adhere straight late at night. I know that's when most people stamp, but it's not for me… look what I did to this poor Messages for Mom card–Newsprint circle crooked, "thanks for being there" stamp crooked–!

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I had to laugh when I saw this card in the light of day. Look at how off-center the onesie is. Did I seriously put that in my "done" pile? Well, that's easily fixed at least, I guess! here's some better cards to cleanse the palette… this one's still crooked, but better…

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Where am I getting all these cute sayings, you ask? Well, the Clearance Rack has ADORABLE Chit Chat and Chat Room rub-ons for dirt cheap! Go check it out on my shopping website–no charge for browsing! I have some more cute cards to show you using some of the sassier sayings.

Ahh, much better…. and not coincidentally, this one was made about six hours earlier in the day than the others… I guess by the time I get done working the biz all morning and crafting all afternoon and evening (overtime getting ready for the big craft fairs) my creativity is shot by night! I'll have to leave the night-owl stamping to the rest of ya'll.

A Signature

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2 thoughts on “This is why Lyssa doesn’t stamp late at night”

  1. Ha! Ha! I sure laughed when I read this post! But, sadly, my cards usually look like your “after nine” cards! Hey! Maybe my eyeballs are just crooked in my skull! Happy Halloween!

  2. Giggle … I can so relate to this post. I always wish I could stamp late at night … but my eyes just hang out of my head. My heart is in it … but my head won’t get around the tiredness that sets in around 9.30 ish! So … I am glad to hear that I have a kindred spirit! 😀 Hugs xxaxx PS Love that heart card … wonder why I picked that one specifically! giggle xx


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