Scrapper’s Sketch of the Week: 3/18/10


This one's purely for fun. Map out your summer, chart your road trip, or relive your favorite day with this time-line layout.

Start with a straight line running horizontally across the middle of both pages (use a ruler if you're like me and can't draw a straight line to save your life). Then adhere your photos, cropped small enough that you can fit at least six on a page, to all different sizes of squares and rectangles. Draw the lines to connect them to the main line and add your headline. That's it!

You can either journal on the photos, if this is a digital layout, or underneath them, or my personal favorite, in the lines leading out from the central time-line to the photos. 

Additional fun theme ideas for this type of page would be: "a day in the life of so and so," "the year in review," "A picture says a thousand words," and "cool stuff you don't see if you stick to the paved roads."

Happy Scrappin'!

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