Packing for Leadership!

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Whoo hoo!!! I'm so excited. The suitcase and carry-on are up from the basement, the laundry is done, and the swaps are all bagged up… I can't believe the long-awaited event is finally here! Wednesday morning at a truly ungodly hour I leave for Milwaukee and eventually Nashville!

There's a huge party planned that evening exclusively for those who have attained a certain rank and above with the company–I think I am more excited about that than anything else. Stay tuned for pictures–we've been told to dress "Nashville casual" and I can't imagine what they have in store for us. Last year in Phoenix we went to a Mexican rodeo with Spanish dancers and incredible food… two years ago they closed down part of Universal Studios theme park for us! Stampin' Up contintually blows my mind.You can see some of our adventures by clicking on the Incentive Trips and Convention Fun category on the left hand sidebar.

And of course, I'd appreciate your thinking of me on Thursday morning at ten a.m.! I'm SO glad I'm on in the morning instead of having to think about it all day long.

Keeping my fingers crossed for good weather, easy connections, and that I won't forget anything! I will be blogging throughout the trip (probably mostly late at night) so keep checking in for all the latest news! And if you need me, I will check my email at least once a day: I'll return phone messages and non-time-specific emails when I get back. Boy howdy!

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5 thoughts on “Packing for Leadership!”

  1. Lyssa — I will send good thoughts your way on Thursday morning, but I know you’ll WOW them! Wishing you fun experiences, new friends, and safe travels!

  2. Lyssa,
    Have the most FANTABULOUS Leadership ever!
    I will be sending good vibes your way on Thursday morning, but you will ROCK as usual!
    Safe travels my friend! I will be checking for your blog posts, and can’t wait to see you at the first group meeting when you return! TA!


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