New technique from the new Idea Book & Catalog!


There's a really cool technique on a vintage card on page 129 and as soon as I saw it, I was itchin' to try it… how do you think it turned out? In the card in the catalog, they sprinkled a couple drops of water on their finished stamped image, and I like the way it looks. I was making this card with a totally different idea in mind (trying out a fall color combo straight from the Color Coach–More Mustard, Bravo Burgundy and Old Olive), but it lent itself to that technique, so I splattered water on it with an aquapainter. I like it!

Some of you may be wondering what shape the focal point has been die cut into–well, it's a Top Note, run through the regular way, turned 180 degrees and run through again. Cool! And one of my very favorite new embossing folders, Square Lattice, lends some texture.

There's a couple more cool things to point out on this card–see the cute little antique button-shaped brads in the corners? And there's also a teeny antiqued pin with a hand-dyed ribbon knot (turned some Daffodil Delight taffeta ribbon into More Mustard with a marker and aquapainter). Love those fun new trinkets from the new Idea Book & Catalog!

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