Christmas Club is ready to begin! Are you in?

FC 2014 SOMHS swap

Love Christmas cards? Want to get a head start on the holidays

so things aren't so hectic at the end?

Join Christmas Club @6:30 p.m.

Third Mondays of the Month, August through November

Come and make 12 Christmas cards per night, four each of three different designs. At the end of the four sessions, you'll have 48 beautiful handmade cards with which to WOW your family and friends this year! Cost is just $15 per session for a total of $60.
BONUS: Pay for all four sessions on the first night and receive a package of envelopes free! You must RSVP by August 10th to begin with the August 17th session. This is a four-month commitment, so if you cannot make it, your payment is still due and a stamped packet of cards will be made up for you to finish up at home.

Email to sign up or inquire for more info!

Edited to add: I have gotten a lot of requests for more info on this Vintage Triple Trees card used as a sample for the post. This is my own design, originally created for Founder's Circle 2014. It kind of went "viral" after that and you may see several versions of it online, uncredited (insert rolling eyes here). You can see my original blog post here.

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