Brownies for breakfast and other highlights of my day

I crossed a fun sales milestone today! I was looking at my Stampin' Up reports this morning and discovered I have sold $125,000.70 as of this morning. Isn't that funny? The number looked so weird! Anyway, it was a fun thing to see. Many, many thanks to all my awesome customer friends for making that happen in the last five whirlwind years!

I'm also having a good day because I slept through the night for the first time since February third, when my three crowns were prepped and my ordeal began. I took pain stuff at eleven and didn't wake up until seven! I feel like a new woman (the brownies I ate for breakfast probably helped). I have had to take pain meds off and on today but I do think things are finally starting to subside. Thank God! I am getting a mouth guard tomorrow but I can tell you it will be a LONG time before I get up the nerve to darken the door of the dentist office again to have those other crowns done. YUCK!

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Gonna leave you with a saying that made me laugh OUT LOUD yesterday at Calendar Club (that's where I got the brownies). "If God invented anything better than chocolate, He must have kept it for Himself." True!

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