The five other women on this year’s Advisory Board for Stampin’ Up are all amazing, and I’m so honored to be in the same company they’re in, much less serving on the board with them! I can’t wait to see them in person again at Leadership Conference in January. Just think–this Wisconsin girl gets to go to Texas in January–am I lucky or what??! Just another reason I love my job! I’ve been to Orlando, Nashville, Phoenix, San Antonio and even Hawaii when it’s been freezing cold back home. Every year I wait on the edge of my seat for them to announce the conference location–I cheered like a crazy woman when I saw Houston flash on the screen this time!
Anyway, where was I? I get so distracted by travel. I LOVE to go on an adventure! Oh yes, I was sharing this totally adorable art frame by my fellow AB member Dawn Griffith. Dawn is adorable herself, and I am loving getting to know her better this year. She poured her heart into these gorgeous frames, and I hope she was gratified by the response when we all opened our beautiful gifts. I’m going to ask her for the measurements for the pop-up frame, as it really is neat. And then I’ll share them with you and you can make your own for the special people in your life, too!