My very first post!

Yikes! Here it is, my very first ever blog post. Seems like ten minutes ago I had so much to say… now words fail me. I’m not sure I need a blog. I’m not sure I have time for a blog. And I’m very sure there are a bazillion and two (actual count) stamping blogs out there that are loads better than mine will be. But, born and raised with the American obsession with expressing our personal opinions as if anyone actually cares, I will join the bandwagon and start a blog.

Let me introduce myself–that seems to be the sort of thing a first-ever post would be good for. I’m Lyssa, and I’ve been a Stampin’ Up demonstrator for the past three years. I’m crazy about stamping and scrapbooking–literally the type of crazy that makes you rearrange your whole life around your hobby, take a job involved with it, work every single day/night/weekend at it, and go on 1400-mile trips for it. Thankfully Stampin’ Up makes it so that I actually make money at it, get the trips for free, and have about 100 incredibly fun new customer/friends who are just as hooked as me.

My (dearly beloved) husband calls it an addiction and says I’m a "stamp pusher." He’s only half kidding. I’ve also heard it referred to as a cult and I’m not so sure that’s so far off! After all, we’re always bringing in new "converts," holding secret "club" meetings, and giving our kids’ college funds to the "cause."

My kids (ages four and six) are in on it, too. They scream for joy when they see the UPS truck (even if we’re on vacation in another state). My six year old drew me pictures of myself on a beach in Hawaii (complete with a very realistic (and close) volcano and sharks) to help encourage me when I was working towards the incentive trip from Stampin’ Up. He also told me to "get crackin’." LOL!

Anyway, that’s me. I teach people to stamp and scrapbook, and I get paid for it and it fulfills my life. This is what I do. The sentimental part of me took over when it came to naming my team, and I chose "Song of My Heart." Because ridiculous as it might sound, stamps sing to me… paper whispers my name… colors call seductively. I can’t NOT create. It’s in my blood. I always tell people, if you think I’M creative, you ought to meet my mom. It’s hereditary, and it’s something I have to do. I don’t claim to be an "artist." I don’t even claim to be very good. But I’m having the time of my life.

If you’re already hooked, you know that this is a perfectly reasonable response to an introduction to stamping. Join me for a fun ride! If you are shaking your head over this poor suburban housewife who jumped off the deep end over a hobby, then there’s no hope for you, and you may kindly get off at the next stop.

Explore Some More!

2 thoughts on “My very first post!”

  1. Happy Anniversary – I really enjoyed reading your first ever post. I am a new Stampin Up Demonstator in Lees Summit Missouri (Oct. 2008) – I have not yet started a blog or have a very large customer base but we shall see. I am truly addicted to Making Cards and reading SU blogs. My Children call it a cult and when my when my club is here they call it a cult meeting.
    Enjoy your blog.


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