I call this one my "Monopoly Board" layout! Follow the trail of photos and journalling from the left page to the right page of this spread. Two large photos present "obstacles" the smaller ones must go around. You can have a lot of fun with this if you use bright, bold colors. For a totally different take, use black and white photo for the smaller squares and color photos only for the two large ones.
This layout works great when you have a number of small or far-away photos, and also when you have a series of photos you would like to present in chronological order.
There are also exactly 10 squares, so it's perfect for a "10 Things" page–then things I love about you–my ten favorite quotes–ten people that have had the most influence on my life–ten funny faces you make–etc.
Super fun! Squeeze in some scrappin' time this week, and don't forget you can see all my sketches just by clicking on "Scrapper's Sketch of the Week" in the right hand tool bar. Happy Scrappin'!