2010 Christmas Card Stamp A Stack Designs

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  SAS 2010 cards
2010 Christmas Card Stamp A Stack

November 13th, 2010 from 10:00 to 3 p.m. in Watertown

Get one thing crossed off your holiday list EARLY this year

while relaxing and chatting with stamping friends!

Potluck lunch, Christmas music, Holiday Gifts & more!

 TWO OPTIONS for the day– sign up for your chosen card designs & number of cards desired (quantities of 10) OR pay $10 to come and craft on your own and have the use of my tools and inks, and design help, all day!

Design #1–polar bear with cubs

Design #2–vintage dove

Design #3–mistletoe joy

Design #4–black & white with rhinestones

Design #5–vintage nouveau snowflakes

Design #6–Bethlehem skyline

I apologize for not showing the entire cards; I have unfortunately had some trouble with this locally and while I don't mind sharing, I would like my ladies to be the first ones in town to send out my designs. If you need to see the cards in full in person, feel free to make an appointment to do so. Otherwise–trust me, you'll love them! I will also have a wide variety of Christmas greetings to stamp inside the cards, as desired.

 INSTRUCTIONS: email Lyssa with the design number and quantities you wish to make. Cards must be ordered in multiples of 10, with a maximum of 60 cards per person. It is recommended that you choose at least two types of cards rather than making all one design, as that gets old fast! I would also order ten more than you think you will need, as there are always a few last-minute cards needed.

Prepayment in advance is required to hold your spot.

Prices are as follows:

$20 for one set of ten cards

$30 for two sets of ten (20 total)

$35 for three sets of cards (30 total)

$40 for four sets of cards (40 total)

$45 for five sets of cards (50 total)

$50 for six sets of cards (60 total)

Add Snail adhesive and one refill–$10

Add package of 40 envelopes–$5

Add a personalized "hand stamped by" stamp–$15

You must RSVP with pre-payment by Nov. 3rd if you are making cards, Nov. 10th if you will be crafting on your own. You may sign up for a soup, salad, sandwich or dessert for the potluck lunch at that time.

Call me today for more details or information about this event! Space is limited to 30 ladies. (920) 261-3962 or zwolaneks@att.net

A Signature


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4 thoughts on “2010 Christmas Card Stamp A Stack Designs”

  1. Lyssa, what a tease you are. I can’t wait to see the whole cards. From the peeks I can tell they are beautiful!!!
    Carol in Michigan

  2. Most people do 40 or 60, Kristen. And you are very welcome to copy the pricing–do your own math, of course, to make sure all your costs are covered! I do tend to price events quite low because I want people to be able to order in addition to paying for the event. So especially at Christmas, when expenses are high and the volume of cards needed is high as well, I try to keep it extremely reasonable.


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