No, not a sale–although you can read about a "ten" themed event here— I'm talking about my crazy weekend spent with my brother's adorable kids–ten total children 10 years of age and under! I was just sorting the photos this morning and counting my blessings and thought I should share them here.
Aren't they precious? Four sweet little girls and six sturdy little boys, all from not-quite three to just-turned ten. This weekend was the first time all ten had ever been together at once. Here are the girls in their Sunday finery. For those of you who know my brothers, the little dolly on the left is Josh's only girl, and the two on the right are JP's little sweeties. My baby's in the pink.
All our firstborns playing X-Box–Jp's oldest in the stripes, Josh's #1 and #2 standing and kneeling, and my Dan in the orange shirt partially hidden. Hard to believe these big lanky boys were babies such a short while ago!
Uncle Mike had children hanging off of every limb of his body from the moment he exited the car until the hour we dragged our carcasses home last night. Josh's youngest boy was a real hoot to watch. I am not sorry the toddler stage is over at our house after watching Angela run after him all day! And the little imp below is JP's youngest. I tried to get a photo of him playing peek a boo with me around his mother's legs on Sunday morning but that little guy is QUICK!
So there you have it–a little photo tutorial of my fun family weekend. Times like these are far too few. How awesome that we can preserve our memories so easily these days. With the magic of modern technology my parents, unable to attend, had a PhotoBucket full of pics within minutes of them being taken, and up-to-the-second tweets from my brothers, and a speaker-phone to listen to the chaos for a few minutes and play "guess which grandkid." What a hoot!
I love blogs that not only share their projects but share their identities and their families- makes it so much easier to connect to others! thank you!!