Swaps on a Plane

Swaps on a plane… that sounds like a movie title… oh wait, that's SNAKES on a plane!! Swaps are way better. I've never actually experienced snakes on a plane, but of the two, I can tell you which one is probably more fun!

I took these pictures of cards by my demo friend Judy on the plane from Kansas City to Nashville last week. One of my favorite parts about going to Stampin' Up events all over the country is that you start meeting demos practically from the minute you hit the airport!

Isn't this a great Valentine? Just a background stamp (En Francais), three Big Shot letters, and a Full Heart Punch. So easy and yet so awesome! Here's another version that you could use all year 'round.

So pretty! many thanks to all the Stampin' Up demonstrators who shared their amazing work. I have enough ideas to last me all year, and then some. You guys make me look good!

A Signature

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