Swaps from the Song of My Heart Stampers meeting 11/9

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We had a GREAT meeting on Monday night at Jane's house (thanks for hosting, Jane!) and I think the easy Christmas swaps we did might have been our best swap ever. Here's mine, above, (sorry you can't see the Shimmer Spray!) and the photo below shows the other participants. Some really cool ideas in there!

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I also had the privilege of going to the Christmas Stamp A Stack hosted by my direct upline, Patti Folk, last Sunday afternoon. I just loved her cards. Here are my three favorites of her designs:

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Now I have to scoot and go finish getting ready for MY Christmas Card Stamp A Stack, tomorrow! Can't believe it's here already. Everything is cut out, I just need to pack and put the finishing touches on the favors, nametags, and make signs and such. There are still one and a half hours to register for the short option that I emailed you this week, so let me know ASAP if you can come for an hour and make some cards. See you tomorrow!

A Signature

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