SU Cruise Day Two: general session and projects

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One of the highlights of cruise is always the general session with all the cruise earners. The projects are amazing, there is recognition of achievements, and lots of door prizes. It's also great to hear the corporate team in such a casual, unscripted setting. This is also when they show us sneak peeks of upcoming products, which is totally fun!

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Brent Steele always does a "man card" on the trip to throw a bone to the long-suffering spouses who have to listen to us ladies squealing with delight for the two hour session. It is hilarious. You can see his MDS projects here

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I ran into my friend Donna (peama on SCS) and we paused for a photo. After the session, I headed to the Hospitality Suite to see the projects up close! Just adore this inset frame in the album idea, and the free-floating interchangeable charms in the bracelet.

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And I dropped off my swap card. The way we "swap" on the cruise is just to bring one project that goes up on the display board for everyone to photograph. It's just gotten to difficult to bring swaps along on a big trip like this due to airline luggage weight restrictions. These demos (the big wigs) are usually too busy before the trip to stamp swaps anyway, so it's quite a relief not to "have" to.

More pictures of the swap boards in a bit!

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