Snowed in today!

We're having a fun day today, all snowed in together. The kids have off school, and in a rare turn of events, college professor Mike has off as well. I think sleeping in and waffles for breakfast are a great way to start the day! I'm looking forward to getting some scrapbooking in–both MDS and the regular kind. But here are some COOOOLD photos to garner sympathy from friends and family enjoying balmier temps!

This area by our back porch is the most sheltered spot in our yard, so this gives you an idea of how much snow we actually got. Some of the drifted areas were four feet deep!

This is our garage roof. The wind is making crazy little dips and swirls. Funny! And here's our back porch steps. You can't see the last two as the snow is even with the tops.

And even sheltered spots like our front porch look like someone went around and frosted everything with a can of spray snow. Thank the Lord for warm houses, working furnaces, electricity, and a family that's all home safe. Stay warm, everyone!

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1 thought on “Snowed in today!”

  1. We feel your pain. You’ve had more than your share of nasty weather.
    12:30 pm in Casper we finally reached ZERO – first time in 3 days. And so, in the spirit of giving, we will send it along with some wind to help you with your snow.


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