Did you know that Stampin' UP demonstrators always get their discount on TOP of every sale or special from the company? No kidding!
Right now, for instance, with the AMAZING Holiday Online Extravaganza going on, with discounts of up to 50% off? Yeah baby–we demonstrators get our 20-25% Instant Income on top of that. So those In Color Blossom Accents I was eyeing but didn't want to take the plunge at eight bucks? During the Extravaganza they are only $4.00, plus I get $1.00 off with my demonstrator discount of 25%. So three bucks instead of eight. Is there any wonder people join just for the discount?
Wait a minute right there… people join just to get their own products at a discount? Sure! All the time. In fact, I'd wager that MOST of us did just that. I personally just wanted the Starter Kit when I signed up. I had NO intention of building a business whatsoever. It turned out to be a dynamite thing for our family, but it wasn't planned. And I have many long-term and short-term demonstrators on my team who cheerfully meet their own sales requirements just enjoying themselves and not worrying about the business side of it at all.
Let me know if you'd like more information on how you can start getting the demonstrator discount by purchasing the Starter Kit. I'd love to have you on my team, no matter what level you're working (or not working!) the business side of it. We're having a ball, saving money, building our collections and learning a ton. Time for YOU to get a move on and join the fun!