I had forgotten there is a definite side benefit to a particular demo challenge that I like to give my ladies once a year–they send me cards! Karri made this Sock Monkey cutie, featuring the Spiral Notebook punch and the filmstrip technique.
At each monthly meeting, I give my ladies a product challenge and a business challenge to complete before the next meeting. The product challenge could be a piece of a particular patterned paper, or a paper daisy, or a length of ribbon–this month it is a six inch strip of our new lace trim. They have to come up with a project using that product and bring it to show at the next meeting. This is a really fun way to see a variety of people's takes on something! I always learn a new way to use whatever product we featured.
But the business challenges are a little tougher, so this last month I made it something everyone could (and should) make time for: send ten handmade cards. It's a simple thing, but I find people get so caught up in the MAKING of the cards, that they don't actually send them!
Many thanks to the demos (and customer friends) that sent me cards this month–I appreciate the happy mail! And I'm challenged, too, to give that feeling to others more often myself.