November 2021 Suite Sampler Theme: Plentiful Plants

Suite Sampler Plentiful Plants

The November Suite Sampler theme will feature the Plentiful Plants papers, colors and textures! You do NOT want to miss this one–it is right on trend, perfect for either gender, and sooo easy to pull together. Let me know if you're not signed up for invoices and I'll set you up!
Only pay when YOU want to get a box that month, based on the theme, announced in advance. Always get a half a pack of the featured papers plus 8.5×11 and 12×12 cardstock as well as a large variety of trims, embellishments, specialty papers, die-cuts and embossed pieces.
All this fun for just $29 a month, which INCLUDES shipping (wow!!!) Let's get your PayPal invoices started! When you decide not to play that month, just cancel the invoice. There's never any pressure to get a box of goodies if you're not sure you'll use them.
Complete details are available here. You are going to LOVE getting a box of fun and interesting new papers, cardstocks and trims each month. Email me at to become a Suite Sampler member today!

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