My Workshop Wow presentation!


Whoo hoo! My name was up on the jumbotron. They didn't pronounce it right, but who could blame them… the goof made for an ice breaker right there. I needn't have worried about an opening statement! It was nice of them to match the slide colors to my lucky shirt, wasn't it?

Wow 3
How's that for a closeup of my manicure?! It was so weird hearing yourself over the sound system and seeing yourself larger than life on the screen down by the teleprompter. But I've seen Workshop Wows and convention presentations so much, I felt right at home up there. And I was proud of myself–I only "showed" the audience one thing (instead of showing it to Tom the cameraman.)

Wow 10
I totally did NOT intend to tell that story about accidentally getting Crystal Effects on my face… all I did was warn them not to get it on their skin and I said "ask me how I know," and the audience responded almost as one, "how do you know?" So of course I had to tell them! I'm sure glad you all got a good laugh out of it. I can laugh about it, too …NOW. 

Wow 4
I was worried about the shine not showing up on the big screen, but I shouldn't have… plenty of sparkle, shimmer and shine going on here! And my eternal thanks to whomever gave me the tip about resting your wrists on the table edge to steady them. My hands were shaking, but I'm told I did a good job of disguising it except at the part where I tried to slide the pin into the bottle!

Wow 15
And then it was over already and the vice president of SU was giving me a card and thanking me! It went so fast… I had so much more I could have shared just about this ONE versatile, amazing product. I loved pretending that I was a Stampin' Up employee, and best of all, I loved being able to give back one teensy weensy part of the inspiration and creativity that Stampin' Up demos have shared with me.

Wow 16 Afterwards as I walked off to go get divested of my ear mike, Shannon West gave me a big hug and paid me the huge compliment of asking to keep ALL my samples, instead of just the one they are entitled to. And who could refuse such a sweetie! She was an absolute doll during the entire process, from the first phone call when I screamed in her ear I was so excited, through the event itself, and all the way to the end of the day. I appreciated her encouragement so much.
Wow… Saturday definitely goes down in the books as one seriously awesome day for me. I still can't believe it happened. What an amazing opportunity!

Explore Some More!

6 thoughts on “My Workshop Wow presentation!”

  1. Cute hair cut. :O) I wish I had been able to go to regionals, but couldn’t, however my sideline did, so I will have to get the scoop from her. Your projects looked fantastic!

  2. awesome awesome awesome!! Too bad you couldn’t have done your demo at the Cincy meeting last fall LOL. Love your new do- so cute! See ya tomorrow night 🙂

  3. Words fail me, Lyssa Girl! (and you KNOW how rarely THAT happens). You DID it!!! I am SOOOOO very proud of your pizzazz presentation! Keep up the GREAT work, Honey! LOVE & LOADS OF IT — Mom XXXX


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