Revenge of the Princesses

Revenge of the Princesses

What do you get when you cross the two passions of the pint-sized in our house? Why, Sith Lords from Star Wars meet the entire troop of Disney Princesses, of course!

Only my eight-year-old could have created this (she's obviously both talented and disturbed). Take a moment to full appreciate what all is included here. The central figure with the evil grin and red lightning crackling from her fingers is CInderella, and to her left is Aurora. Above them, from left to right in varying stages of red-eyed Dark-Force-induced fury are Rapunzel (and her hair), Pocahontas (and her hair) and the formerly favorite Ariel (in her mermaid incarnation). Snow White's got catching up to do, but she wields a nasty light saber in Belle's direction, which Belle masterfully blocks. And finally, at the top of the picture, Mulan enters with a flying judo-kick, intent on clobbering someone just off stage.

So what do you think? Is therapy in order, or is my daughter just really, really creative (and weird. Weird is a given.)?

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12 thoughts on “Revenge of the Princesses”

  1. Excellent combination of two household loves! Very normal in the equality that she is being raised! Nice drawings, I could pick out each princess without your description.

  2. Pretty awesome! I think I could tell who they are even without your descriptions, and we don’t have a lot of princess action going on at our house. Cinderella has to be my favorite!

  3. my boyfriend and I got a kick out of this. I’m not sure about the practicality of poofy dresses and long hair with light sabers though. 🙂

  4. That’s a must keep. Guess you can tack on the fridge for awhile, but that’s a keeper. I love it. Good colors, too.


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