I've been attempting to get ready for a fabulous Song of My Heart Stampers annual Christmas Party, Potluck and Shoebox Swap, but I keep getting distracted from making my presents and projects by the intriguing scraps I have left over. And before I know it, they turn into a card, or two, or three, and my time is up and I STILL don't have done whatever it was I sat down to do originally. Does that ever happen to you?
Ok so I did get this done. This is for a door prize at the party. It is the small Jingle Decor Elements put on a Partylight Bestburn Jar Candle from my super-fab candle lady Doris Hamby (Hinoki Steam scented, which I love because for some reason it evokes memories of the scented Strawberry Shortcake dolls I played with by the hour in my childhood).
That's it! I tied it up in a cute bag with some paper shred, a fancy tag, and the Sleigh Bells ribbon from the Holiday Mini Catalog. Hope the winner likes it!
And you're never gonna believe it, but this is sheer randomness, too. How does one go from "hey, that's a cool scrap, I should do something with it" to "full Christmas card with hanging tag letters spelling "joy"??? I dunno. But it happened.
Oh I remember. I was experimenting with a THICK SHIMMER SPRAY that I can use to quickly "paint" chipboard instead of daubing. Ta Da!! It works. I was able to spray the whole piece in the time it might have taken to daub or brush paint on one letter. And it dries marvellously fast, because of the rubbing alcohol.
Don't ask me for the recipe… I don't want to be responsible for you gumming up your spritzer bottles. Suffice it to say it was MUCH more paint-to-rubbing-alcohol than regular Shimmer Spray.
So there you go–insight into the brain of a crazed stamper. Let yourself go on the rabbit trails sometimes. They can lead you places that are very interesting. Not everything will wind up filed in the round bin.