Main Stage Page–say THAT ten times fast!

Main Stage page 

There is no fuschia in my house, let me just start by telling you that. So if the Really Rust and the Baja Breeze didn't tone down the fuschia and red Jumbotron backgrounds enough for ya, let me tell you, I tried. But regardless, I LOVE this spread.

Talk about memories! The highlight of my Convention 2008 trip was getting to walk across the stage for earning the trip to Hawaii and acheiving more than $20,000 in a year's sales. it's hard to think of any other honor SU could give me that I would be more proud of. I worked my backside off last year, and my customer friends all pulled together, and my downline committed to get me on that trip, and together we all made it. I can't wait for the Aloha party I am throwing after I get back from Hawaii at the end of March!

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