Great fun bumming around the wet side of the island. Mike was in search of a statue he had seen somewhere and while we found two other statues of Kamehameha, we never found the one he was looking for. I guess we'll just have to systematically go from island to island looking for it!
The first one was in Hilo and this one was way up on North Point, where the king was born and raised. Apparently this statue was commissioned in France and bound for Honolulu, when the ship it was on burned and sank. Another statue was ordered post-haste and installed in the capitol city. Meanwhile, someone found the shipwreck and pulled the statue out, and a passing ship captain recognized it and bought it to bring back to its home. Honolulu didn't need it anymore, so they sent it up to North Point.
We also saw Kamehameha Rock, though we never heard the story about that (need to google it), we did hear about and see another huge rock in Hilo that supposedly the legendary king could lift by himself.
We stopped at a fun little hole-in-the-wall fruit and smoothie stand and enjoyed looking at the local produce and bamboo products they had for sale. I should have been brave enough to try the rambutans!