It’s supposed to snow here again…


I'm dreamin' of Hawaii again this morning. I swear, not a blessed thing is getting done this week because all I want to do is mope around and look at pictures of my fabulous vacation. Ah, well… where was I? I think I finally made it to Wednesday! Mike and I had been dying to go kayaking with the sea turtles since we got there, so today was the day. Hard to believe it was just one week ago!
Kayak 1

That was so fun and utterly peaceful. It was only about eight in the morning and hardly anyone else was up and about. I think this is the point where I finally let out a big sigh and RELAXED. The past two months have been go-go-go and go-some-more, and then trying to get ready for the trip, then going on the LONG trip, and then the activities we had planned were for the first couple of days. Wednesday was the first day where we had NO itinerary, no schedule, nothing to be back at a certain time for… nothing but my hubby and me and a zippy little rental car… and the wide Hawaii horizon.
Kayak 2

We were so lucky to have Melony Bishop walk by as we were still in the main lagoon area and take these photos. Otherwise we wouldn't have anything to remind us of this fun morning. We did have an underwater camera, but it's not filled up yet so we haven't developed it (need to do that, those things have a shelf life after they are opened, I hear). Sadly, we have no more water around in which to take underwater photos! I guess I'll just let the kids take a few for fun and then go see how they turned out.

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