Founder’s Circle Business Share Night

Hello from Founder' Circle 2011!! I was in a state of surreality that blew me away all during the activities last night. *I* am the one in the photos now… those photos I drooled over and envied so much! How can that be??

My swap line photos didn't turn out, but I found this one on Patty Bennett's blog that kind of gives you a feel for how fun it was–we took up the entire ground floor with our "snake" style swap–good thing we had the whole hotel to ourselves!

I did get some cute jammie photos… my 83 jersy was a HIT, babe!! Everyone here now knows I have the most thoughful and creative-gift-giving husband ever! For those of you who missed my original post on the topic, Mike ordered a custom pink football jersey with my Demonstrator of the Year ranking of 83 on the front. 

Stampin' Up made us these adorable My Digital Studio journals to take our Business Share notes in… yep, the teacups will be in MDS!! Whoo hoo!!!

More food photos!! The treats were so scrumptious. Red Velvet, Coconut Cream, Chocolate Ganache, German Chocolate, White Chocolate Strawberry… oooh, yummy!! The only bad thing is I ate the ganache one (surprise, surprise, right?) and didn't have the best sleep last night.

All week we have had different fruit-infused waters and they are really good, just a light flavor, no sugar or anything. I am definitely trying them back at home–so far the cantaloupe and lime has been my favorite. Tonight's was strawberry–yum!

At the end of the evening we surprised Shelli with a birthday girl crown, and a box full of cards and 6×6 pages with photos of ourselves with her throughout the years. She was touched! I gave her a magnet that said, "I'm so glam I sweat glitter!" I hope she likes it! If not, I'm sure one of the girls will. I hear she is going to open the box on her birthday.

(photo taken from

Then we had a group photo (Allana is dead center in the middle of the group and I am about three people to the right of her–my pale pink jersey really stands out) and went out for swapping. Now my time is up as I need to head to breakfast and get ready for the trip to Kanab. Will post again as soon as I can!

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