Five things your demonstrator wishes you’d stop doing

Demonstrator wants you to stop doing

  1. Stop hiding it when you mess up your project. We want to know so we can help you figure out a fix! The goal is for everyone to go home with cards they like and will use. If you're regularly going home and tossing them in the trash, we're not doing our job. There's a huge variety of tricks demonstrators learn to fix or cover any kind of mistake you can possibly make. Everyone will learn something new tonight–it's just your turn to be the example this time!
  2. Stop ignoring it if something's bothering you. Is our scented candle too smelly? Is it too hot or cold? Is our porch light burnt out? Do we need to get a bigger venue so it's not so crowded? If our customers aren't happy and comfortable, we need to know. Speak up if the music's too loud or there's not enough supplies set out. Sometimes we need help seeing it through someone else's eyes.
  3. Stop feeling guilty about shopping multiple places. We know you have options both locally and online. No one company is every going to meet every single need you have (not even Amazon!) And we know some of you visit multiple demonstrators' events. It's OK! The majority of us aren't threatened by having customers in common. It helps us stay at the top of our game and not be lazy. Just be thoughtful and don't gab about your Hobby Lobby shopping spree while we're showing the class the new Spring catalog, ok?
  4. Stop putting yourself last. It's OK to need a night out and something to look forward to. It's OK to yearn for some adult conversation and food that doesn't involve chicken nuggets or pizza. You're actually going to be a better wife, mom, co-worker and friend by taking a little time to nurture your soul and reconnect with people you enjoy being with. We feel bad when you don't come, not just for our own sake, but because we can see what you're doing when you deny yourself any "me time" month after month.
  5. And the biggest one of all? Stop saying you "just aren't creative." It's not true! You might need a little encouragement and practice, but everyone has a spark of creativity in them placed there by their Creator. Easy project ideas, help with cutting and measurements, and good-quality, color-coordinated tools are going to make a world of difference in what you're able to create. That's what demonstrators are there for. Not to show you what WE can do, but what YOU can do. You're going to love it.

Ready to quit some of these bad habits? I believe in you! You can do it! : )

And, my friend? Let's chat ASAP about transferring you from the "happy shopper" team to the "happy demonstrator" team.


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8 thoughts on “Five things your demonstrator wishes you’d stop doing”

  1. The best suggestion ever! Learn how to “embellish” your mistakes! It is the most freeing skill I have learnt in my hobby of card making. Nothing gets wasted. Enjoying your blog.


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