First/Last Day of School Comparison Pages

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Tonight at Scrap A Stack Class, we're making these cute 12×12 pages to compare your child as they looked on the first day of the school year and the last. I don't know about your kids, but my two will look vastly different this year–mostly taller, and minus/plus a few teeth!

Here's the fall page and below is the spring page.

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I got the Play Date Quick Accents for these pages right off the Clearance Rack on my shopping website. They are a TOTAL STEAL at just $1.79 each set right now–originally priced at $8.95! You get two full 12×12 sheets of self-adhesive border strips, journalling boxes, page accents and more.

As you can see, the sheet comes with all 12 months of the year, making this Quick Accents kit IDEAL for mini "school year" scrapbook albums for teachers, doting aunties, grandmas and more… or for making calendars! How cute would that be?!

TIP #1: Now, the trick is, remembering to TAKE the photos, right? Here's a little trick for ya–if you are taking photos with your phone, stop right there and make yourself a reminder to take the comparison photo. This works especially well for "baby belly" photos, remodeling progress pictures, and month-by-month "growing so fast" type photos.

TIP #2: Another cute idea I learned from my child's school is to have them sign their name right on the scrapbook page. It will be a fun comparison as to how their handwriting has improved, and a cute memory in years to come!

So get yourself on over to the Clearance Rack on my shopping website and pick up a couple packages of the Play Date Quick Accents before they're gone! All Clearance Rack merchandise is while supplies last, and things sell out really quickly.

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