First day of school 2019

First day school 2019 both kids

Oh my word, ladies!! Look at my babies. They are so huge! How am I old enough to have kids this big?!

First day school 2019 Daniel

Daniel is a SENIOR this year! He was happy to see the end of his first job (custodial work for the university) although not happy the paychecks stopped. And contrary to his expression, he was very excited about this morning. Natalie is a sophomore and was bouncing off the walls last night and even put herself to bed early. I feel blessed to have kids who love to go to school (most days).

First day school 2019 natalie

Natalie is hoping that by her next school picture she will have those braces off for good! Her orthodontist is really pleased so far.

Mike wouldn't let me take a picture of him, but he's already been in inservice for a week and a half and classes start Monday. Here we go again! Was it just me, or was summer way shorter than normal?? I guess that happens when you're gone for 20 days in the middle.


Speaking of time flying, I had lilacs bloom this week, isn't that bizarre? I had never heard of it, but apparently if the bush is stressed (remember my elderly neighbor thinks it belongs to her and she had it cut down almost to the dirt) it will make some blossoms in the fall when it is setting the buds for the next spring. Any branches that bloom now won't bloom next spring. I thought that was interesting. The foliage itself has bounced back admirably. Nothing I can do about it, so I'm just enjoying a whiff of spring in August!

That's about what's up with us. I have been doing pretty well, although I can feel the stress levels creeping up and struggle to keep my "full speed ahead" self from getting overwhelmed. I did go gluten free back in June, and that seems to have helped the Occipital Neuralgia and the nerve pain and numbness in my hands. Some days the anxiety is bigger issue than I'd like. But overall, many more good days than bad. Stamping continues to be the best therapy! And God continues to be good no matter what. Like the lilac bush, I can still bloom when stressed : )

Hope you and your loved ones are well and full of fun plans and dreams of their own this fall. Enjoy that last bit of summer!

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