Farmer’s Market in Fiji

I love going to the Farmer's Market here in Watertown. I've always thought that when you're traveling to other countries, heading to the market where the local people do their every day shopping is one of the best ways to get a real flavor of the place. Fiji was no exception! You could smell the curry spices before you even entered the building. Inside was a feast for the senses.



I wish there was something in this moli fruit photo (a citrus similar to oranges) that showed you how big these are. I could only have held one in two hands, let's put it that way. Larger than a grapfruit by far. They are gigantic! It was interesting to see how some produce was larger or smaller than in the States.

And of course there was seafood… these shellfish were so fresh they were still oozing and moving. From the sea to the market to the supper table in the space of a couple hours!197754_10151631896886217_1807429661_n

Mike had to be photographed with the coconuts and pineapples, of course! His two favorite foods! Some of the produce we recognized, and some we did not… thought these bundles were interesting. Good way to carry  your purchases home.


Many thanks to my friend Alanna for some of these great photos (it pays to hang around people with really great cameras!) Everything was so neatly arranged, with the best and biggest produce displayed near the front. The vendors were so friendly, greeting us with smiles and "bulas" even at the end of what must have been a long and tiring day. Everywhere you go in Fiji you get the impression that they are genuinely glad to see you–not just happy for tourism dollars, but sincerely pleased you came from so far to see their country. Obviously they do have the tourism thing down pat, but somehow it feels spontaneous and fresh in Fiji. As if it's truly hospitality from their hearts. Love that!


This lady and her family were selling "convenience food"–bundles of greens pre-wrapped in banana leaves for steaming.

It was just an amazing day. I'm so glad we went. We truly enjoyed the glorious resort, in all it's pristine, manicured beauty, and the power of the ocean and majesty of the sunsets and sunrises–but here in the market in the middle of a bustling city, we found the heart of Fiji.

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