Drowning in scraps?

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Thought I'd share my scrap solution with you all today! I just treated myself to a Dymo instant label maker and I am going a little crazy with it. I have used clear "clamshell" style stamp cases for my scraps for years and years, but never labeled them before this week. The cases are clear, so I figured I could just see the color through the side, right? But if there weren't many scraps in it, it was still hard to grab the right case. So I've labeled them now and my "stamper's OCD" is happy.

I use the size of case that our wood-mount background stamps come in, since they are just one big stamp and don't really need a case to keep the set together. That size of case stores everything that is smaller than a half-sheet of 8.5×11 cardstock.

Then how do I store my backgrounds, you ask, if I have commandeered all the cases? On the wall on plate racks! I should take a picture of that, too. But right now I have more backgrounds than rack space… which is an "uh-oh" for my stamper's OCD. Does that happen to you?


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9 thoughts on “Drowning in scraps?”

  1. Great storage idea! So, is there a minimum size scrap you keep and anything under gets tossed? I WANT to keep every little scrap but I force myself to throw small pieces out.

  2. Yes, Nicole, I do throw out stuff if it’s not big enough for a regular punch or if it’s a color I don’t use much. For instance, I figured out I don’t use blue scraps very much–when I use blue it’s usually the card base. So I definitely wasn’t using the blue scraps. Same with purple for some reason. But I keep tiny bits of yellow and pink for flowers. So it totally depends. I have hundreds of 1/2 inch wide strips of Vanilla and White because of some common measurements I cut, so I often pitch those– because while I do use that size scrap, I sure don’t use THAT many! : )

  3. Lyssa – I LOVE this idea. I’m in the process of organizing my stamp room and the scraps are overrunning the place. I will have to conscript my background clamshells. I love that they’re all the same size and clear. Totally great idea. TFS!


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