Chocolate Chai Bread from the 10-10-10

My assistant, Penni, made us some incredible, delectable homemade treats for the stamp camp on Saturday, but my favorite by far was this iced sweetbread. If I hadn't been so busy I would have eaten a whole loaf by myself! You have got to try this recipe, which Penni was so kind as to share. She tells me it's a little putzy, but trust me… if you tried it, you would know it is worth it.

Download Penni Chai Bread Recipe

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1 thought on “Chocolate Chai Bread from the 10-10-10”

  1. Thanks for sharing this YUMMY recipe! I will have my sister, the chief baker in our house, make it and see what she thinks about it being putzy. I think most breads are that way!
    But, having sampled this, it is D-LISH!


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