Best Dad Ever

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Wasn't it so nice of Stampin' Up to name a set after my dad? I thought so!

I was tickled when I saw this set in the Summer Mini catalog, because I just knew it was going to be a lot of fun to use My Stampin' Write markers and color those ties! And with the nice variety of sayings that come with it, Best Dad Ever is way more than just a Father's Day set.

I took the color palette for these cards straight from the Elegant Soiree DSP, and I love how some of the prints in that pack mimic the patterns you'd find on neckware. What a hoot! You also don't have to use the ties as a block, you can see from the single tie card above.

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I'm sorry this image is blurry, but here's a quick example of how you could incorporate the ties and sayings into a cute scrapbook page, too. We'll be making this single page in Scrap A Stack Club tonight. We have room in that club, by the way! If you'd like to join us, we normally meet on the second Thursday night of the month, at six thirty p.m. in Watertown. Cost is just a $25 minimum order, so this class is a particularly good deal. Email me if you'd like to come one night and see if you'd like to commit to the group for a rotation.

My clubs run year round, and members can just join whenever you want and have your name added to the list of who will be the hostess for that month. So what are you waiting for? Your life is not going to get any calmer–make time NOW for the things that matter to you. One of my favorite quotes is, "Life is what passes you by as you're planning it." If scrapbooking was one of your delights, but has fallen by the wayside recently, rediscover that passion and reserve yourself a night out each month expressing your creativity!

A Signature

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2 thoughts on “Best Dad Ever”

  1. Look at these AWESOME ideas! Thanks! How do you have time for this and packing for ALASKA?! Have a fantastic time!


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