Barbara’s pocket tissue holder

Tissue 1

I HAVE to show you this adorable project given to me in a pack of goodies by my friend Barbara, as a welcome gift to her home city of Phoenix. It is a clever, easy little sleeve to hold your pack of pocket tissues!

I don't have the measurements, but you should be able to easily measure the length, then the width and side times two, plus a half inch for overlap and glue.

Tissue 2
Tissue 3
Cut out the back of the tissue pack and punch your access hole in the bottom of your sleeve BEFORE you adhere the sleeve flap shut : ) Then just slide the tissues in.

Tissue 4
Isn't that cute? And what a great little useful and practical teacher or co-worker gift during cold and flu season. It would be a great "I'm your shoulder to cry on if you need it" kind of present for a girlfriend going through a tough time, too. 

Thanks for the idea, Barbara, and for being an AWESOME Phoenix welcoming committee!

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