Advisory Board Fun

The AB girls and I are having so much fun this week! We're up at Stampin' Up headquarters getting to know the corporate team and learn about some very interesting and exciting behind-the-scenes things about our company! I am so thrilled to have this chance to be of assistance to Stampin' Up. They have been such and incredible blessing to me and my family, it's great to have this wonderful opportunity to give back.

This is our ride for the next couple days! It was my first time in a limo. We had a ball turning on the disco lights and playing with the radio and windows. We each have a nice hotel suite, but we don't spend much time there! They are keeping us BUSY!

After a wonderfully interesting tour of the shipping facilities (I got to see bubble wrap being made–now that is cool!) they put us to work on the pick line. Yes, my friends, I may actually have picked your order this morning! It was really, really neat. I can see why so few mistakes are made (well, by the professionals, anyhow, not us amateurs! Sorry if there's a boo-boo in your order, whoever you are!) because of the cool system they use with barcode scanners and lights alerting you to items you still need to put in the box. I had no idea it worked like that. Although it was totally fun, it was definitely work, though… I was sweating by the end of my half-hour shift! IMG_2056

During our lunch and tour of Brick Canvas after a short drive to the gorgeous Thanksgiving Point, we got the boxes we had been waiting for… our Advisory Board rings! I am so proud to wear this beautiful reminder of our mutal commitment, trust and appreciation for each other and for the company.

Ok, now this will make you smile… although our dear Shelli, Stampin' Up's co-founder, has was not up to participating in Founder's Circle since her serious riding accident last month (broken collarbone, wrist, and multiple pelvic fractures), she wrote the nametags for our Advisory Board ring boxes with her left hand (not bad!) Her daughter Sara has been doing a fabulous job playing hostess, and it's been really fun to get to know her better.

Now, I have to get myself off to bed. I can't share what we've been discussing, of course, but it's been really interesting and I have appreciated the peek into the corporate world, since I've never worked in it previously. It's also WORK! I'm exhausted! : ) Can't wait for tomorrow. Good night, everybody!

Explore Some More!

8 thoughts on “Advisory Board Fun”

  1. Lyssa – So thrilled for you that you get this experience! I’m also thrilled for all of us who are grateful that you are a voice on the AB. Thanks for all you are doing…have a great time!

  2. Hi Lyssa,
    Enjoy this wonderful opportunity. You have worked so hard and helped all of your customers so much. I just know that you will do a great job on the advisory board, and all of Stampin Up will benefit from it, from the higher ups to your customers and blog followers. I am so glad that I walked up to your display all those years ago and introduced myself to you.

  3. How are people chosen to be on the advisory board?? It seems to be a position of importance in the company. I’m pretty new to SU, so I have tons to learn!! Congratulations!!

  4. I am so thrilled, excited for you, and proud of you, my online friend!! From the first months of becoming an SU! demo when I found your wonderful blog, you’ve been my long-distance mentor <3
    My 4th level upline, Kim, was once an AB member & she speaks of it proudly and fondly.
    Have fun and how about a CLOSE-UP of that ring, girlfriend??
    Hugs from PA 🙂

  5. I am so Proud of You Lyssa… You Ladies are so beautiful together and I know you all will get great things done for us and for Stampin’ UP! You so Deserve this. I have often remembered over the past few years how you always kept your honor when Stampin’ UP! ask for confidentiality, you always kept it… That always made an impression on me… Looking forward to more great ideas from you…. always, Faith

  6. Hi Lyssa, want to re-iterate all the comments previously! I have a question – who are the other board members? I think SU used to publish the names, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere?


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