Last week was our Spring Break. We didn't do much other than play catch-up and work on a pipe leak in the basement, but on Saturday we trundled off for a day in Milwaukee. These pictures were taken at the Mitchell Park Domes. It was still pretty cold, especially near the lake, so it was wonderful to be inside with green things and balmy air.
There are three domes: tropical, desert, and a show dome where the themed displays change regularly. We all liked the desert one best. The incredible (and sometimes comical) variety of plants just had us all smiling and praising the Creator for His boundless imagination.
Speaking of our Creator, I would like to invite anyone local to Watertown to be my guest on Sunday, April 12th, when Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum comes to speak at our church. He will be there for both the 10 a.m. service and the 5 p.m. service. It's expected to be quite crowded, so let me know, and plan to be there at least twenty minutes in advance to park and get seating. I hope you can come!