I was searching today for a mug shot for the June Stampin' Success magazine and I settled on this one even though it is from almost a year ago and my hair is quite a bit shorter now. The editor said they could crop it so I didn't have to mess with that, which was nice. I was looking for one from Hawaii, but either I'm wearing sunglasses, don't have lipstick on, or have my eyes all scrunchy because of the sunshine. So I had to go back a ways…
But I thought I'd share this great four-generation picture with you all. The lovely lady seated in front is my dearest of dears grandma Norinne Elizabeth. My fabulously creative mom Teresa Irene is standing next to the window. My sweet baby girl Natalie Elisabeth is in my arms–I can hardly lift her now–in my favorite summer outfit of hers. And that's me in the black.
The women in my family are astounding, beautiful and strong, and I am so proud to be a part of a long tradition of clever and crafty women whose talent for making something out of nothing enlightened the lives of everyone they met. I can't wait to see where Natalie's particular bent for creativity takes her. Enjoy the journey, my darling ones, whatever stage you are in!