Easter Egg box

Km 4 Helen Meisner made this cute Easter box to show us at the Creating A Stampede regional meeting in March. Retirement has been awesome for Helen's crafting! She has time now to make all the things she's had on her "want to try" list.

Do you have a list like that? It's not a bad idea–and it will help you be more efficient when you DO get time to sit down and craft. You won't be sitting there wondering where to start–just pick something off the list and dig in. I have a list of cool Big Shot things I have run across here and there and on the rare occasions when I have nothing pressing that has to be made or done right that minute, I try to get one of them accomplished. 

Ok now, enough stalling–back to taxes. Yuck! But when I'm done I'm treating myself to ten minutes to work on something off my "want" list instead of something off my "Must Do Yesterday Or Else" list.  Actually, my "want to try" list is more like a "Procrastinate Because I Hyperventilate When I Work on my Regionals Presentation" list these days! But I have nailed down a direction to head in at least, so that's progress! 

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