The definition of stampin’ torture


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You know what torture is? Torture is having a stamp room FULL of new catalog goodies and not being able to play with them. Torture is getting eight free any-price sets and having to leave on vacation the next day and leave all your babies behind! Torture is only getting to make ONE Peach Parfait owl card because you really should be packing!

Ah, well. Yes, I'm off on vacation tomorrow with the fam, and while I will still be blogging and keeping you up to date on the latest and greatest in the stamping world, I will not actually be doing any stamping myself that I know of. There just isn't room…It was a close call–clothes and shoes, or stamping supplies?–but clothing won out in the end.

I'm not exactly sure how that is going to fall out, as I don't think I have ever made it two weeks without stamping since I became a demonstrator. I may lose my mind. I don't think anyone really knows. I'm just going to have to stay really busy to distract myself! Thankfully there's plenty to do in gorgeous, wild and windy Wyoming, especially with my entire family in town. Hopefully not clean up detail after another flash flood like last year, though!

If you need me while I'm away, you can email or Facebook me or even leave a comment here, and I will get back with you in a day or two (yes, they have internet in Wyoming. And no, I didn't grow up on a ranch and ride horses to school). I just won't be able to send or receive phone or text messages. And if you want to rub it in that you get to play and I don't, you can go order yourself some fun goodies at and send me pictures of cute cards you've made. 

Ok, now I've really gotta go pack. Where did I put those cowboy boots?

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3 thoughts on “The definition of stampin’ torture”

  1. ROTFL! You actually picked clothes over stamps?
    Have a great vacation and enjoy those clothes!
    (DH just asked what was so funny as I’m sitting here giggling)

  2. Have fun on a well deserved vacation with the family to YEE-HAW Wyoming! Your stamps will have fun together while you are gone!
    Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!

  3. I have been going through stamping torture too but mine is that I just dont have enough energy 🙁
    Enjoy your vacation!!!!


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