Big Top Suite

It was so fun to finally meet my online friend Brandi Wiggins from Quebec, in person. Our presentation booths were next to each other at the opening night party of Convention 2011. We got a little rivalry going with the demos on the other two sides to see who could elicit the biggest cheers from their audience!

The only problem with being a presenter is that you don't get to "go" to the party and see everyone's spiels. Brandi's projects are completely unique and she has an excellent sense of her own style. It is sharp and clean, yet whimsical, and packs a lot of color-ka-pow. Here are some closeups of her display. One of her signature touches is hand-drawn doodling, making each project 100% unique.


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2 thoughts on “Big Top Suite”

  1. WOW-WEE! This is an impressive display! Love the doodles, it certainly does make each piece a unique work of art! Sounds like a suggestion to make to SU to somehow have each presenter “recorded” so the others can see/hear it. It could be an exclusive reward for those who presented and not available to everyone else (at least not until the video comes out).


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