My adorable 5th-level upline Kristen Bryant arranged a surprise card shower for me. I was so touched and delighted! Some of the group had even designed cards with my Demonstrator of the Year numerical ranking, like my 4th-level upline Jessica's fantastic Real Red Glimmer Paper 83 above.
Kristen also made me a Simply Adorned bracelet with a little 83 charm. I felt really appreciated and honored–thanks, everyone! I hope I am as encouraging and inspiring to you guys as you are to me.
Lyssa, You are SO encouraging and inspiring to me!!!!
I am so fortunate to have your encouragement everyday as build my business. You are such an inspiration to me because of your impeccable standards and creativity! You are SO deserving of all the praise being directed your way! Enjoy the fruits of your labor, you earned it, it was NOT just given to you!
Wow, what a lovely idea from your team! Congratulations – I love reading about all your business successes.