FAQ’s part three

I'm finding there are a lot of burning questions out there in blogland, apparently! I am saving the ones that are specifically business-related and probably of interest only to demonstrators, as an idea file for future articles for my demonstrator inspiration and motivation blog. But the more general ones I'll post here. You can click here to see the first FAQ post and here to see FAQ's Too.

How long have you been a demonstrator?

I signed up in April 2005, so almost seven years ago now. My kids were still little, so naptime and after their bedtime were Mommy's craft time. I always say it was the perfect timing for our family: my kids were small and I was under-socialized (and bored) as well as needing more money. Stampin' Up filled all those needs for me. It has to be the right time for everyone, which is why I never ever pressure anyone into signing up. I'll give you the info, and I might get excited when we talk about you potentially joining my gang of stampin' girlfriends, but I'll never twist your arm. If it's not the right timing, it won't work, ultimately.

What's your personal favorite color?

Baja Breeze or Cherry Cobbler, depending on the day. I like colors that assert themselves subtly.

Where did the Stamping Top 50 button you used to have on your sidebar go?

Sharp eyes! I unsubscribed to those buttons because they were feeding an unhealthy addiciton to watching my stats rise or fall. I'm not doing all this to be famous, and I want my life to glorify God and not be focused on the praise of men.

Resetting my focus and trying to be more balanced is a personal theme for me this year. Left to myself, I will literally drive my body right into the ground doing what I'm crazy about. I'm just that type of person. I'm in this for the long haul, so that means occasionally stepping back to reevaluate my caffeine levels, and make sure I'm right with God and my family as I pursue the amazing possiblities of this fantasy job I have.

Can I be your next assistant?

Ha! It's not really an enviable position, I have to tell you. I am pretty disorganized and scatterbrained. I just asked Penni and she's still willing to hang out with me even though she has become quite a good demonstrator and upline in her own right, so it may be a while until I am in need of another one.

Poor Penni. She tries, but there's only so much one can do.

What other crafting products do you use besides Stampin' Up?

Oh, I have a couple of useful products I've picked up along the way, although I really do just buy from myself 99% of the time. The clear star Gelly Roll pen, the classic ZIG Painty pen in gold and silver, and good old Sharpies find their way into projects now and again. I have a collection of Staz-On inks in different colors, which I use mostly for stamping on paper goods. The only non-SU stamps I have are various Bible verses picked up hither and yon over the years.

Once in a while I give in to the colors calling out to me in the paper aisle, although I often regret that purchase when I get home and nothing matches and delight turns to frustration. I know I've mentioned that here before. And of course, anything I can run through my Big Shot is fair game! I love using unexpected materials like metal flashing, duct tape, felt or tulle netting in my projects.

I try not to get too distracted by every bright and shiny new toy that comes along–there are a lot of very short-lived fads in paper-crafting, as evidenced by the clearance racks at hobby stores. It's one reason I am very glad that Stampin' Up does not require or allow their demonsrtators to carry an inventory.

And that segues perfectly into the next question–

So why don't Stampin' Up demontrators carry stuff in stock?

I'm so thankful we don't! I could never have signed up with Stampin' Up if there had been an inventory requirement, not only for the money, but also for the space. We've all been to yard sales where there was a table of outdated cosmetics for a buck each. Stampin' Up decided long ago that it was not a healthy practice. There are scary stories of women with thousands of dollars of debt because of inventory requirements with different companies, all over the internet. I am very happy to say that is not an issue AT ALL with Stampin' Up.

Yes, that does mean I can't sell you cardstock by the sheet, and I don't have a case of SNAIL refills handy–you do need to plan ahead. But it only takes a week for orders to arrive (that will vary depending on where you live) and the quality products are worth waiting for–AND they come with a built-in stamping instructor. I try to remind people to remember to throw on adhesive refills and other basics when they order so they won't find themselves in a pickle if they have waited too long to start a project.

You joke alot about being blonde. Are you really?

This question made me die laughing. Yes, I am. It's gotten darker over time (no questions about my age, please, I do draw the line there!) and now I have my salon throw some highlights in a couple times a year. I was actually born with hair so red my mother wrote down orange in my baby book. I tried red in college but it just wasn't me. Now I keep it lighter because my husband likes it. He says he's attracted to bright shiny objects.

I have always wanted black hair, but never done anything about it. I'd love to, but not being blonde could be considered false advertising… hee hee!

I can't sign up during Sale A Bration, unfortunately. When's the next sign-up special going to be?

I couldn't tell you. Usually we get a little notice but sometimes we just wake up on the morning of the first and there's a delightful surprise on the demonstrator website. My advice is not to wait–if the time is right for you and your family, the Starter Kit is always a great deal, and it's better to get in and get your business going than to wait around in hopes that a freebie will be tacked on.

When's the next blog series?

 I loved the response from the "31 Days of Doilies" and the record-breaking response to "A Simply Scored Christmas." I will definitely be running more blog series in the future (after Sale A Bration is over!). You can feel free to submit ideas for them via the contact button.

Where/When's the next trip?

I love this question! It has a three-part answer! The last trip I earned is a getaway to Hilton Head Island. The next trip I'm working on is FIJI for 2013!!! Can you imagine?!! I am working my tail off to get myself and Mike there. You can keep track of my progress with the little thermometer on the right hand of my blog. The next trip I'm going on is the 2012 incentive trip to Disney World at the end of April, that I earned courtesy of my wonderful customer friends last year. My kids and my mom will be my guests for that one. It will be my kids' first time, so we're all pretty excited.

Ok, I think that's it for now! Keep those questions comin'. I love that I can give you a little taste of what its like to be a demonstrator for the best company in the world. Chances are, if you're wondering about something, others are, too–so don't be shy!

I Love Stampin' Up!

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