Live Simply

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I love this stamp saying… "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God." Only thing I would add in there is "pray like the Dickens!" but then that might not fit with the beautiful typography, I suppose!

I am excited to make this card tomorrow with my 10-10-10 attendees. Actually, I am excited to be with them, regardless of what we do or make! I just love my stampy friends! Very best part of the very best job on the planet! But I think they'll really enjoy this one. It combines River Rock with Bravo Burgundy and a lot of crumpling, splattering, smudging and sponging. I used the 2-Step Gently Falling stamp set with a saying from the Trust God stamp set.

TIP: It's really trendy right now to stamp directly on newsprint-patterned papers like the First Edition Designer Series Paper collection. You see it all over Pinterest and in magazines right now, even on baby cards and Christmas cards and things you wouldn't normally think of. I think if I had to limit myself to one pack (heaven forbid!) it would be First Edition. It's a great way to instantly update your papercrafting look. I'm just thankful it comes in a big pack!

Ok! I'm off to the stamp room. I have a bajillion (actual count) things to wrap up for the 10-10-10 event. Penni is baking for your lucky ladies, so come hungry! And if you missed the RSVP, shoot me an email and I might be able to squeeze you in as I did some extras when I cut.

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