Kaleidescope Challenge


Last month at our monthly demonstrator get-together, I issued a challenge to everyone present: take a couple swatches of one of our newest patterned paper packs, Kaleidescope, and come back to the next meeting with a project you actually like. I thought it would be a really hard challenge, because the patterns in that pack are BRIGHT, RETRO 80's, and GRAPHIC. They kinda sock you in the nose, to tell the truth!

Well, the girls made me proud. It was out most-participated-in challenge EVER, believe it or not! The table we had designated for challenge projects was full!


TIPS TO TRY: We went through and discussed what we learned about working with loud patterns… some good stuff, like tips for pairing brights with lighter verisons of the same colors, pairing with neutrals like black or gray to tone it down, using sparingly or in strips, mixing tiny patterns with big ones, balancing with bold sentiment stamps.

I didn't get them all photographed, sadly, and I try not to play favorites, but I think we ALL got a kick out of Penni's "Ugly Dress" scrapbook page (pictured lower right corner of collage below). She really embraced those retro patterns!


Maybe knowing that I personally was having trouble with the patterns spurred them on? Who knows? They knocked it out of the park! I can't wait to see what they come with for next month. Would you like to join us? The next demo-only stamp night is Monday, March 10th, 2014, in Watertown. Email me for details! Zwolaneks@att.net

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