Craft fair displays and best-sellers 2017

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 9

I thought I'd show you what I've been up to the past couple of weeks… it's been a really busy season, but super fun! I sure love what I do! Every time I mention craft fairs, I get a lot of questions about what sells well and how to display your wares to best advantage. This last weekend I had a little bit of time left after everything was basically in place but before the doors opened, so I tried to take a bunch of pictures for you.

Two notes before we begin: First, please don't ask me about prices! I don't comment on them. What flies in my area might not fly in yours, and you should always do your own math and charge fairly based on the time and materials involved. That said, we all know that some cards take a lot more time than others, but I have found a flat rate for single cards to be the best overall for the ease of both customer and seller.

The other thing to note in this pics in that I had a few large pieces left from my time with Mary & Martha, a faith-based direct sales home decor company. I had to let that go to simplify my life due to health issues, but I can still hook you up with my wonderful upline Libby Wistrom if you're interested in a catalog.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show hunter hunting widows weekend vendor 2

There is so much fun coffee and tea-themed stuff in this year's catalog! It always sells great. I had gift card holders, post-it note & pen pads, and regular cards, and I think I sold all but maybe one.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show hunter hunting widows weekend vendor 1

We have a lot of hunting in our state and so after I filled a bunch of treat tubes for Christmas and in school colors, I used the leftover orange M&M's for these hunter's good luck charms! The Cookie Cutter Christmas set provided the deer head and matching punch. Easy! And it got a lot of laughs.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 2

I try to keep all the Christmas items in one area, so multi-packs, single cards, treats and banners (red ticking banners from Target's $ Spot that I personalized with the Large Letters Framelits on my Big Shot) were all together. The double hot-cocoa packets with treat tubes on the side sold out almost instantly. Here's the free tutorial for you–enjoy!

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 1

At the fair I did this weekend at Maranatha Baptist University, I know Scripture verse cards and prayer journals are always wanted, so I dug into my stash of retired Bible verse stamps. Loved how many people shared how meaningful the ones they have purchased in the past have been. So awesome to have been a tiny part in someone blessing someone else!

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 4

The tutorial for these popular candles is in the 100% Free Tutorial Library here… so easy and inexpensive, and they sell really well especially at Christmas time.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 7

We still have a solid month of autumn, so I have lots of fall goodies, even more so than Christmas. This year I did a lot of Merry Cafe gift card holders and some really cute hot cider and candy crates with the Wooden Crate Thinlits.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 10

I had lots of inexpensive treats in school colors, since we were at the university this weekend. Sports moms and grandmas love little bits and pieces in school colors. One bit of advice–if you sell the Treat Tubes, make a little sign sharing that they are plastic and not glass. I had several people pass on them because they were worried about breakage.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 6

I was disappointed my little quilt card crates didn't sell well. I think they needed to be packaged in cellophane so they were easier to gift. I'll adjust that before the next fair. They are too cute to leave on the table!

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 5

Burlap banners always do well for me, typically the smaller ones but also the larger outdoors ones. I had two newspaper wreath kits left from a long-ago Holiday Catalog, but those were my only wreaths this year due to lack of time. I usually have several pinwheel/lollipop style twig wreaths and those have done great in past years.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 8

As always, the biggest seller is just plain cards. I love this holder I found at Hobby Lobby. It's supposed to stand upright, but when you lay it down flat it has 12 card-sized openings each with a great metal label in front for categorizing. They are still selling them as of this fall, if you want to get one! My burlap screen divider also came from there. It provides an easy, foldable backdrop for my booth.

Craft fair display best sellers Stampin Up Lyssa show vendor 3

So there you go… a little tour of my booth! Lots of lifts and layers, lots of little vignettes, tables covered all the way to the floor, tall stuff in the back, etc. And everything right up to the very front of my (corner) space, not hidden back in a deep, cramped u-shape. A mix of interesting containers in wood, tin and wicker. Plus, a good variety of items so all my "eggs" aren't in one "basket."

I hope you've enjoyed see my creations and maybe getting ideas for your own school fundraiser or local craft fair!


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15 thoughts on “Craft fair displays and best-sellers 2017”

  1. Lyssa, these are all good tips, and you are a sweetheart to share them. I have been involved in craft sales before, both group and as an individual, and these are right on target. We all learn as we go!

  2. First:
    Your display is wonderful, I am surprised you didn’t sell out completely. I would have bought one of those quilt boxes since I have trouble lining those kind of stamp sets and framelits up.
    The Life Happens coffee cup on green dsp on 2nd photo, is that a gift card? If so can you tell me what kind of gc holder it is.
    Candles? where they real or the “fake” battery ones?

  3. Lyssa – Absolutely AMAZING!!! How do you make all this great stuff and keep your blog and business running? I am in awe of you! Great display and wonderful goodies. Thank you for sharing your creations and tips.

  4. What a grand display. Thank you for sharing both photos and tips on things that have sold well for you. Do you remember the exact name for the crate from Hobby Lobby that you are using to display your cards. I must order on-line & the proper name for this escapes me at the moment. Thanks

  5. Everything looks so good! I love the single card holder. A great idea to have the cards up front to make it easy to thumb through. I’ve thought about doing a craft fair but just haven’t yet. You give me some good ideas. Thanks for sharing your beautiful booth with us.

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your craft fair pictures. I sell my cards at a local store, but this year I thought I would branch out and try the “fry” box with Herseys kisses in cellophane sacks. That’s way out of my comfort zone. Again, thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Wow! What an inviting booth; I think I would have bought one of everything. Thank you SO much for sharing your pictures and advice- perfect timing for me. I do have one question if you have time to answer: do you make/construct your journals or do you cover purchased blank books.

  8. Oh my Lyssa! I am so impressed! Are you for real?! You must be cranking these pretty little things out in your sleep LOL. So sweet of you to share with us.
    Oh now, that’s just great… now I wanna shop!

  9. Thanks for sharing all the pictures and tips Lyssa! That is super helpful. I’ve been thinking about getting my feet wet in the craft fair circuit and I think your tips will definitely help me make a great eye-catching display when I do. Happy Halloween!

  10. You did a great job of staging, Makes me want to walk right up and touch everything withing reach . Thanks so much for sharing you great ideas and layout,


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