7 Watercoloring Tips that will make you feel like a pro!


I saved one aside from this weekend’s watercoloring session to share with you today, because this is the perfect card for a chilly, overcast March Monday! Can’t you just feel the sunshine?

Ready for my 7 top watercoloring tips? You’ll feel like a pro when you practice these tricks!

  1. Make sure your Aqua Painter brush is full before you start–you do NOT want to run out of water in the reservoir right in the middle of your project!If you are using a regular brush, keep a little dish of clean water right next to your station.
  2. Be aware that watercoloring can bleed through to the back, so protect your work surface. I use a non-porous granite floor tile that doubles as a palette, because I can squeeze my inks right onto it and wipe the residue right off afterward.
  3. Have a paper towel or baby wipe handy to blot off excess drips, and to clean the tip of your brush regularly so you don’t muddy colors.
  4. Dampen your watercolor paper first so the color slides instead of saturates. Work in small-ish sections, and re-dampen new areas if they’ve dried before you moved on.
  5. Keep that Aqua Painter moving. Don’t rest the tip in any one location too long. Straight re-inker is going to be VERY dark, so squeeze the Aqua Painter gently every time you pick up fresh ink, to dilute it with water.
  6. Remember that you can always add more color later–but you can’t easily take it off once it’s on, so paint in layers, revisiting areas to add deeper shades later.
  7. Keep in mind that it’s only paper! Not cheap paper, no, but it’s still JUST paper. Allow yourself a sheet to practice on and test colors on.

Have fun watercoloring! Need supplies? 

Snag these ink refill shades in my online stamp store:

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4 thoughts on “7 Watercoloring Tips that will make you feel like a pro!”

  1. Thank you so very much for the tips on water-coloring!
    Have been afraid to try it but now feel I really should.

  2. I “knew” these tips but have never seen them all in one place before…it gives me new to try watercoloring! I love your tip about the non-porous granite tile, a great problem-solver. Thanks!

  3. Love this card and all of your tips! Thank you so much! Would you mind sharing your colors that you used to make this card! I love them!


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