31 Pages in 31 Days: Heirloom Frames spread and immersion scrapbooking

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Welcome to anyone just joining us!

I started this 31-day challenge years ago based on a brand new concept called immersion scrapping. Traditional scrapbooking, as we used to do it, not longer fits into most people's lives. Glancing at our dusty totes brought us so much guilt. And worst of all, precious photos were left unseen in memory cards… year, after year, after year.

So rather than trying to carve out consistent time during the crazy-busy week of today's modern woman, snatching a weekend here and a hour or two there, instead we'd devote one month out of the year to wholly give ourselves over to scrapbooking.

And the radical thing is, it worked.

Suddenly, we had permission. Permission to make all the mess. To print out all the photos. To drag out all the albums. To get it all out, and leave it all out, because there was a clear start and end date. No excuses needed!

And at the end of the month, we put it all away–and are glad to have our dining room back–but with a sense of accomplishment that was somehow always missing from those frantic, snatched-grabs of time we'd been sneaking throughout the year.

Because THIS time, there is a huge stack of finished pages to slide into those protective sleeves.

THIS time, there are albums to close, not with a sigh, but with a big smile of satisfaction.

Immersion scrapping. Is it for you? Let's find out!

Take the 31 Pages in 31 Days Challenge along with me! Each day in August 2019 I'll post a scrapbook layout or double-page spread as an inspiration. You can copy it, swipe some ideas, or just do your own thing. Here's today's inspiration!

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This spread is a double-page layout from Week Two of my Scrapbooking Summer School. Wouldn't this be a ball to receive in the mail?? They are going to feel so spoiled when they get all these beautiful pieces already cut, punched and embossed and ready to go.

I loved getting to use my new Heirloom frames die and folder bundle–the detail is so gorgeous! Can't wait to make a card with them.

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This color combo is scrumptious–Pretty Peacock teal blue, Mint Macaron pale green, and Cajun Craze deep rust along with creamy Very Vanilla.

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It's too late to register for Scrapbooking Summer School 2019, but you can still play along at home! Here's what you'll need to recreate this spread:

Click any photo to go shop and support Song of My Heart's annual 31 Pages in 31 Days blog series! 

Isn't this the most fun way to spend the month of August?? I think so! I look forward to this series all year long and I hope you do, too. Please let your friends know about the fun!

See you tomorrow for Day Seven already!

Explore Some More!

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