31 Pages in 31 Days 2018: Day Twenty

31 Pages 2018-001

Hi crafters! I hope you're having a great day. Thanks for stopping by Song of My Heart to see what's going on! Today is the last day to leave a comment to enter to win the 100 Papers giveaway (check out Day 14) so go do that pronto if you haven't already!

Today's inspiration page is the last of the three I did using the dozens of 3-inch by .75 inch scraps I had after cutting for a BIG project this month (August is the month of big projects around here, I guess!). You can see the other two layouts here and here.

Paper scraps layout 12x12 scrapbooking summer school layout Lyssa Stampin up

I don't have room in my little house to have the sewing machine set up all the time, so it's rare that I sew on pages these days. But I love the nice tone-on-tone texture it adds and the extra emphasis it always lends to patterned papers. Also, let's face it, it's fun to sew "badly" on purpose. : ) And the worse you sew the better it looks on paper, unlike fabric!

Paper scraps layout 12x12 scrapbooking summer school layouts Lyssa Stampin up

Do you sew on pages or cards? If not, it's something fun (and cheap) to try. Sewing adds no cost to a spread but lends it a lot of life. Dig out that scrap bin from the piles on your table and start trimming some bits and pieces. I'd love to see what you come up with!

See you tomorrow for Day 21 and the WINNER of the 100 Papers Giveaway! If you're not a subscriber to my newsletter, you'll want to join that list ASAP. I never share your email address or info with anyone else. Subscribe now and get a free sample of Cheat Sheets, too!

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2 thoughts on “31 Pages in 31 Days 2018: Day Twenty”

  1. Lyssa, what a wonderful page!! It would be PERFECT for a family photo right in the middle of the page. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. OOOOOOh, might be my fave spread so far. Love the messy stitching too. It’s high time I got me a sewing machine for sure. Thanks for the inspiration, Lyssa!


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