31 Days of Doilies–Day Twelve

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Welcome to Day 12 of the 31 Days of Doilies! If you're just joining us, be sure to look back through the posts to August first and catch up–and then bookmark the site or sign up for the feed, to make to sure you don't miss the rest of them!

I had all the supplies out to make a scrapbook page the other day with this wheeled stamp, Friendly Words, so I decided to make a card with it–and then ended up making 12 card fronts with it, too! The colors are Island Indigo and Whisper White, just like my favorite summer time outfit. I brayered ink on the doily so that it exactly matched my project–just love that!

I really like stamping on the paper daisies–have you tried that yet? I don't think I'll ever use a plain one again! It's way more fun than dyeing them, I think! And it adds an unexpected and personalized touch, because no two ever turn out quite the same. I originally planned to use the new Printed Brads in the centers, but I was out of them–oops! So I opened up my new package of Neutrals Glimmer Brads–WOW. It was a good change!

If I've convinced you that you need some of the pieces in the doily-theme Flirtatious Suite of products, or you're like me and already used up all the cute Printed Brads you ordered–contact me today, or click here to visit my shopping website. Browsing and window-shopping encouraged! Be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

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