My Stampin' Up demonstrator team had so much fun this weekend at the OnStage conference! While we're still in the "safe at home" mode and only gathering online until next year, it was still very exciting to see the new Spring 2022 mini catalog, meet up with friends who could watch together locally, and take in awesome stamping demonstrations from all over the world.
And of course… there was lots of chatting, crafting, and chocolate!
Awards Night was so inspiring! The Top Demonstrators of the Year are announced and I landed at #39 out of more than 40,000 United States demonstrators. That just blows me away! God is good! And I'm so thankful for the customer friends and team members He has placed in my life.
Special shout out to my extra fab bestie assistant Penni, and my handsome history professor Mike for their support. I love you both for bearing with me in the ups and downs and overthinking!
Even better was watching so many of my team members celebrate promotions, anniversaries and milestones. We had a fantastic year despite struggles with health, loss of family members, lack of ability to gather in person, and even job loss.
I am so proud of these ladies for hanging onto their dreams when their candles flicker and threaten to go out. God put that spark in you, girlfriends! Don't let anyone blow it out. It's there for you to use to light the candles of others all over the world.
We stamped a LOT over three days! Everyone brought a project for everyone else to make. It was so nice to be in the Studio where we could just go and grab whatever product was being used on the big screen and play with it along with them. We also worked on holiday cards for use by local nursing home residents.
On Saturday we made Christmas ornaments all day! And since the Studio is right downtown, during the daily lunch break we went shopping in the cute little boutiques along Main. It was so fun.
We used the new stamp sets from the swag boxes to practice our Stampin' Blends coloring techniques while we brainstormed ideas for classes and stamp camps in the new year. We're really fired up to spread this crazy fun hobby and the opportunity to make a business out of it in 2021!
If you'd like to be a part of my team and enjoy not only the perks of being a demo but also the sisterhood and support of Song of My Heart Studios, the Starter Kit is on sale right now for just $75 bucks. You can begin getting the discount (even on top of items already on sale!) and all the resources from Stampin' Up as well as free membership in My Layout Library and my team's hilarious and active Facebook group.
You would have the time of your life eating it all up and learning like crazy. Let's chat about this before the sale is over on November 30th!
Ready to go for it? Yippee!!!