Busy Barns Adventure Farm

We had the BEST time yesterday at the Busy Barns Adventure Farm on Hwy 12 outside of Fort Atkinson yesterday. If you have not been there, you NEED to go! This was leaps and bounds above any seasonal farm I have been to in the area. We were just totally amazed by each new area. Dan's favorite part was the petting barn, of course!

Look at the baby Jersey! They are my favorite type of cow because of their enormous brown eyes. And yes, living in WI, it is normal to have a favorite type of cow.

I know these pictures are all of my firstborn… Natalie was too busy holding her NOSE to hold any of the baby animals! A crowded, smelly barn is a very sensory place for a little SPD girl! But she did loosen up enough to feed them and hold one baby rabbit at the end. I even defied the allergy gods and held a baby kitten for a few minutes. It was just so precious I couldn't help myself. It was worth it!

Natalie milked a (fake) cow, slid down the haymow slide, helped me do the pumpkin slingshot (boy was THAT a riot!) and thoroughly enjoyed the feed corn "sandbox." After that experience, everywhere she went, she left corn behind her!

What an awesome day! If you go, be sure to plan on several hours to really see each thing. I loved the corn maze and corn tunnel, too. There's also a hayride, antique tractors, and of course, plenty of pumpkins, mums, squash and even some animals for sale. And all the concessions benefit the FFA, so get the shaved prime rib sandwich or the loaded baked potato! I know I sound like a commerical, but this place is definitely worth the trip… and it closes October 31st, so make sure you take the fam there pronto–because it will become a yearly tradition, for sure.

Thanks for looking at my cute kids! As a reward for you stampers wading through my family news, I have a FUN photo tutorial coming right up.

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